Monday, June 23, 2014

Bad Actions Lead to Worse Thoughts

Soldiers often have nightmares about what they have done. Even though they were usually just serving their country and doing what they had to do, the violent actions still weigh on their minds.

Do criminals who have committed violent crimes go through the same thing?

I believe SOME do. Any person that takes another life has blood on their hands and that can never be changed or taken back. It is done and that is the reality. I would say most of them have nightmares, possibly panic attacks and maybe even worse conditions.

But are there some who feel nothing over what they have done?

I think there are.

Some people just have the right kind of mind for it. They feel little to no empathy. They have justified their actions in their own minds to the point to where they were right for committing the violence.

Now in some cases, they could be right. If they were attempting to steal a car, the owner caught them and started firing a gun at them, well what choice do you have but to fire back? Of course, they should not have been stealing the car to begin with, but does a criminal really think that way?

Definitely not.

I must say it is fascinating to think about. I know I definitely do not have a criminal mind to the point that I could justify violence for any reason other than a criminal coming into my home to kill or rob me and I had to defend myself. Even then, I'm sure the act would haunt me. I have never been a real violent person. By that, I mean that yes, I have enjoyed gun fights in books and movies as much as anybody else. However, to actually go through with it would be another matter.

When I was younger, I boxed with some friends. We were in a back yard with gloves and head gear. Having a little tournament. Well, I hit one friend pretty hard a few times but only after he hit me in the face. I have that revenge type complex I think. Until I get hit, I have trouble hitting the opponent. This told me long ago I should never pursue a career in boxing. If you wait to get hit first, most times it ends with just you getting hit if you can't take the other guy's punch.

Either way, after our little brawl, I apologized to my friend immediately. After all this was a good friend who even went to the trouble of buying me a Scottish flag license plate for my truck. I am of Scottish descent and I love the movie and book Braveheart. So I really hated that I did hit him like that. I have thought about it since and I may not really regret it all that much, but I can see that to hurt another person can definitely weigh on you.

So maybe I just don't have the criminal mind.

In a way, it could be looked at as a bad thing.

I don't have a criminal mind. How could I ever expect to WRITE about criminals or cops or soldiers who have ever been in such a situation?


Most authors who write about violent situations have been involved in few themselves. It takes two things for me-

Other people's stories and imagination.

There are message boards about everything as well as people I personally know in real life who can offer insight. I add a dose of my own imagination in and I'm set. I can write about sociopaths and psychopaths and any other path all day long.

However, these criminal minds who justify what they do but have no real empathy must be the scariest type of individual.

I remember when I was a kid, an older boy came to our house. We had a bunch of cats running around. We were never mean to them, but this kid took one and dunked it in a bucket of water. My brother and I were appalled and got him inside away from the cats in a hurry. I am not sure what ever became of the boy, but those were not encouraging early signs. My brother and I felt so bad for the poor cat, but he seemed to feel nothing except fr maybe amusement.

That type of thinking is not too amusing in fiction but it's down right sick in real life. Of course, things could have went a lot further, but still. I never understood how a person would think that was funny. Oh but I can write about people who do as I am doing so now.

What about you? What are your own experiences with people who may have been less than sympathetic when you thought they should be? Have you ever known a person that seemed to be mean to the core with no empathy for any living being? Are they in jail now? I would love to hear your thoughts!


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