is something I don't care for.
does. Right?
I must say, it does get things done many times. It's funny. I think
nowadays many of us want to avoid ever getting angry about anything
since we want to think we live happy lives which cannot ever include
come on.
the real world, we will get angry.
fiction world works much the same way. What would fiction be without
raw emotion? And anger is very essential.
makes you angry in real life?
me, it could be many things. When my laptop stops working when I'm
on a new story, watch out. There will be a string of obscenities
followed by more obscenities and most likely small small object will
be hurled across the room. Or Windows 8?
getting angry now.
the obvious laptop problem, I guess I usually get angry in the most
base way- when I'm inconvenienced. It's not when things don't go my
way. I can handle defeat as good as most. I have hardly ever felt
anything but a tad disappointed at rejections on my stories or books.
I can take a hit and come back without anger.
let the deck covering (held on by duct tape at the moment) come off
when I start to mow and yes. Chaos ensues. The last time I beat the
poor cover against the mower on three separate occasions. The good
news is that plastic does not feel pain (that we know of) and so I
wasn't hurting anybody with my actions.
in fiction (and unfortunately in real life), people do get hurt by
other angry people. In Misery, Annie Wilkes' anger boils over
into some very painful moments for poor Paul Sheldon. Hamlet was
awfully angry with his mother which led to chaos. Sonny Corleone
allowed his anger to blind him to the point where he got taken out.
So often in fiction when anger is fired up, somebody will likely go
not all anger is bad. When we see red, that is bad in the moment but
often times I think we see more clearly afterward. Life is not so
physically strenuous as it used to be with technology and so many of
us get used to being comfortable most of the time and becoming angry
seems like something we shouldn't do. But human nature does not
change and so now and then, it's good to get your blood up a little
if nothing else to know you're still alive.
never be too hard on yourself for getting angry. It's going to
happen. Life just has a way of getting to any of us. So let it
happen, but just try not to stay that way all the time.
you never know. You might just see what's holding you back and break
through it.
obviously, it makes for great stories.
Good Point. I think most have a problem with anger being over dramatized or unwarranted . Its perfectly fine to be angry. When it is deserved. but its not okay to be psychotic about it. ( Unless, as you point out... its in a Story... then its great !) ( yeah I know, thats exactly what you just said ) lol